Steelhead flies are a blend of art, tradition, hydro engineering, and maybe a little superstition. Steelhead flies must look alive and swim with enough movement and action to coax a fish that has other things on its mind. Confidence in your fly is paramount in steelhead fly fishing and confidence is the foundation of the hope, excitement and passion that keeps every steelheader going. View our steelhead flies, read our descriptions and find your confidence flies. And, as always, let us know if we can help with suggestions and other questions.
All Steelhead Flies
Flash Fly - Cranberry
Flash Fly - Purple
Flash Fly - Silver
Fly Selection - Deschutes/Grand Ronde Steelhead
Fly Selection - Steelhead Summer Run
Fly Selection - Winter Steelhead
Foxee Dog - Black / Blue
Foxee Dog - Popsicle
Freight Train
GP Spey - Black
GP Spey - Orange
GP Spey - Purple
Grand Ronde River Rat
Green Butt Skunk
Haley's Comet
Hare Ball Leech - Black
Hare Ball Leech - Pink
Hartwick's Duck Turd
Hartwick's Hoser - Pink
Hartwick's Sword Fighter
Hobit Spey - Orange
Hoh Bo Spey - Purple
Hot Shot Comet - Pink
Hot Shot Comet - Purple
Humpy Bug