Sea-run cutthroat trout are a jewel to the Pacific Northwest. Sea-runs are native trout that enter the saltwater for short periods of time and run back up their natal rivers to spawn. Our sea-run cutthroat fly selection is as good as any you'll find anywhere and includes flies for sea-run cutts in both freshwater and saltwater.
Sea Run Cutthroat
Baitfish Minnow - Silver
Bead Head Bunny - Black
Bead Head Bunny - Purple
Bonefish Worm - Tan
Bonito Magic
Borden Special
Chum Body's Baby
Chumpy Fry
Deception - Chartreuse
Deception - Olive
Deception - Orange
Egg Dart
Flashy Lady - White
Fly Selection - Puget Sound Beaches
Fry Me A River - Gray
Fry Me A River - Green
Hartwick's Duck Turd
ITR Shrimp - Chartreuse
ITR Shrimp - Pink