Midge are the french fries of the trout stream. Trout take lots of bites when it comes to midge, and this give the anglers lots of chances to fool them with midge fly patterns. Shop our collection of midge pupa nymphs, suspending emerging pupa, tungsten patterns, and midge dry flies. For large midge pupa patterns generally associated with lakes, check out our Chironomids section.
Bead Head Black Beauty
Boroff's Anneworm- Red
CDC Griffith's Gnat
CDC Transition Midge
Chan's Lady McConnell
Furimsky's BDE - Olive
Griffith's Gnat
Hatching Midge - Black
Hatching Midge - Gray
Para Midge - Black
Para Midge - Olive
Rainbow Warrior
Sparkle Wing RS2 - Black
Sparkle Wing RS2 - Gray
Tailwater Tiny
Tungsten Rainbow Warrior
WD40 - Olive
WD50 - Gray
WD50 - Olive