Stonefly nymphs are a big chunk of food for hungry trout and they can get the largest fish in the river excited about eating. Stoneflies are particularly important in their nymphal stage. Shop our collection of stonefly nymphs including nymphs for salmonfly, golden stoneflies, skwalas, and even the little yellow sally stoneflies.
Stonefly Nymphs
Agent Onyx
Agent Orange
Beadhead Batman
Copper John - Black
Copper John - Copper
Copper John - Red
Iron Sally
Juju Sally
Kingrey's Yellow Sally
Little Black Sloan
Little Olive Sloan
Mercer's Tungsten Skwala
Micro-Stone - Dark Stone
Peaches & Cream Jig
Stonefly Double Bead
Tungstone Golden
Twisted Stone