Swinging flies for steelhead was changed with the introduction of Waddington Shanks and tube flies, via the influence of European Atlantic Salmon anglers. Commonly called Articulated flies, this style of steelhead fly has a trailing hook, or stinger hook, hanging from the rear portion of the fly. The concept of this articulated style fly is that the stinger hook more frequently produces better hookups than traditional style flies. From California to Alaska, there are some great articulated steelhead flies in this collection and flies for any steelhead river in the world. Let us know if we can help with suggestions.
Steelhead Articulated
Dirk Wiggler - Pink
Dirty Hoh - Black/Blue
Dirty Hoh - Black/Pink
Dirty Hoh - Pink/Orange
Dolly Llama - Pink/White
Dolly Llama - White
Foxee Dog - Black / Blue
Foxee Dog - Popsicle
Hartwick's Hoser - Pink
Hobit Spey - Orange
Hoh Bo Spey - Purple
Mini Intruder - Hot Pink