Coldwater flies for saltwater including flies for salmon, stripers, sea-run cutthroat trout, bluefish, false albacore, lingcod, other rockfish. These coldwater ocean species are lesser known as fly fishing targets but are often enthusiastically targeted by local anglers. Our Coldwater/Saltwater category of flies includes some difficult to find patterns for these species. Whether you are going deep for chrome kings in Alaska or fishing the Chesapeake Bay for stripers, here are some flies that are sure to keep you in the zone.
Baitfish Minnow - Silver
Bonefish Worm - Tan
Bonito Magic
Chum Body's Baby
Crease Fly - Blue Back
Crease Fly - Olive Back
Deceiver - Blue & White
Deception - Chartreuse
Deception - Olive
Deception - Orange
Deep Six Salmon - Pink
Flashy Lady - White
Fly Selection - Puget Sound Beaches
Fry Me A River - Gray
Fry Me A River - Green
Humpy Bug
ITR Shrimp - Chartreuse
ITR Shrimp - Pink
Joe Dirt
Just Keep Swimming Fry
Marabou Sand Eel
Marabou Shrimp - Brown