Attractor dry flies for trout include many of the long-time classic dry flies we've known and loved for years. Flies like the Adams, Humpy, Madam-X, Renegade, and Royal Wulff all have long histories of being productive trout dry flies but really don't look like any of the bugs on the water. Arguing their representational value isn't worth the time because they simply fool fish and are great flies for searching for active fish willing to rise for an easy meal.
Attractor Dry Flies
409 - Yellow
Adams Irresistible
Amy's Ant - Olive
Black Gnat
Chubby Chernobyl - Gold
Chubby Chernobyl - Pink
Chubby Chernobyl - Red
Chubby Chernobyl - Tan
Chubby Norman
Foam Ant - Black
Gray Wulff
Hi-Vis Foam Beetle Black
Hippie Stomper - Brown
Hippie Stomper - Orange
Hippie Stomper - Purple
Hippie Stomper - Red
J's Purple Nurple
Meanie Bee
Missing Link - Olive
Missing Link - Red
Para Wulff - Patriot
Parachute Adams
Purple Haze
Purple Para Wulff
Purple Parachute
Rainy's Pellet Fly
Royal Coachman
Royal Humpy - Red
Royal Humpy - Yellow
Royal Wulff
Spruce Moth
Stimulator - Olive