Fly fishing for Pacific salmon is one of the ultimate thrills in fly fishing. Whether you are fishing for silvers in the saltwater off of Vancouver Island, BC or hunting giant Chinook on the Alagnak RIver in Alaska, we have a really good selection of Pacific salmon flies for you for any species or location. Peruse our salmon flies in this section or let us know if you would like a custom fly box put together by our pros.
All Salmon Flies
Bead Head Bunny - Black
Bead Head Bunny - Purple
BH Lifter
Bonito Magic
Borden Special
Chrome Magnet - Pink
Coho Kryptonite - Pink
Dean River Tiger
Deceiver - Blue & White
Deep Six Salmon - Pink
Dirk Wiggler - Pink
Dirty Hoh - Black/Blue
Dirty Hoh - Black/Pink
Dirty Hoh - Pink/Orange
Dolly Llama - Pink/White
Flash Fly - Cranberry
Flash Fly - Purple
Flash Fly - Silver