Fly fishing for trout with dry flies is what made many of us fall in love with fly fishing. Whether you're fishing a tiny size 24 Trico or a big size 6 grasshopper, watching that trout head come out of the water to sip your dry fly is always going to be one of the greatest parts of fly fishing. Our dry fly selection includes caddisflies, stoneflies, terrestrials, general attractors, and all kinds of mayfly dry flies. We include the hot, new patterns and the old classics. And with our trout dry flies, and with all of our flies, our quality is unsurpassed.
All Trout Dry Flies
409 - Yellow
Adams Irresistible
Adult Crane - Brown
Adult Crane - Orange
Amy's Ant - Olive
Arrick's Parachute Ant
Attract-Ant Black/Red
Baetis Challenged
Baetis Parachute
Baetis Spinner - Rusty
Baetis Thorax
Black Gnat
Bopper Hopper - Tan
Burkus Sedgeback Skwala
Caddis Adult - Olive
Caddis Adult - Tan
Callibaetis Parachute
CDC Biot Dun BWO
CDC Caddis - Olive
CDC Griffith's Gnat
CDC Thorax Callibaetis
CDC Transition Midge
Challenged Callibaetis
Chan's Lady McConnell
Chubby Chernobyl - Gold
Chubby Chernobyl - Pink
Chubby Chernobyl - Red
Chubby Chernobyl - Tan
Chubby Norman
Chubby Sally - Yellow
Clark's Cicada Olive
Comparadun - BWO
Corn Fed Caddis - Olive
Corn Fed Caddis - Tan
Crane Fly
D&D Cripple - PMD
D&D Cripple BWO
Dave's Hopper - Yellow
Deer Hair Damsel - Blue