Chironomids, the larger species of midge found on your favorite trout lakes, are the most important food source on many lakes and are very important to fly fishing anglers. Also called Buzzers, lake flies, or simply midge, the chironomid is available to trout throughout all of the year. Trout eat chironomid pupa with reckless abandon during a good hatch but the right fly pattern can be essential. Shop our great selection of chironomid pupa and even a few chironomid dry flies.
3D Glass Chironomid - Black
CHF 2.00
3D Glass Chironomid - Dark Olive
CHF 2.00
3D Glass Chironomid - Red
CHF 2.00
Black Red Neck Nugget
CHF 3.00
Boroff's Anneworm- Red
CHF 3.00
CHF 3.00
Buzzer Olive
CHF 3.00
CDC Griffith's Gnat
CHF 3.00
CDC Transition Midge
CHF 3.00
Chan's Lady McConnell
CHF 3.00
Chironomid - Black
CHF 3.00
Chironomid - Olive
CHF 3.00
CHF 2.00
Frostbite Chironomid Pupa - Red
CHF 2.00
Furimsky's BDE - Olive
CHF 3.00
Griffith's Gnat
CHF 3.00
Hangin' With My Chromies - Black
CHF 3.00
Hangin' With My Chromies - Red
CHF 3.00
Hatching Midge - Black
CHF 3.00
Hatching Midge - Gray
CHF 3.00
Headlight Caddis - Gray
CHF 2.00
Ice Cream Cone - Black
CHF 2.00
Ice Cream Cone - Red
CHF 2.00
Jim Beam Chironomid
CHF 3.00
Jujubee Midge Flash - Red
CHF 2.00
Jujubee Midge Flash - Zebra
CHF 2.00
Jumbo Juju Chironomid - Blood
CHF 3.00
Jumbo Juju Chironomid - Olive
CHF 2.00
Jumbo Juju Chironomid - Zebra
CHF 3.00
Morrison's Kaleidoscope
CHF 3.00
Morrison's Red Butt High Voltage
CHF 3.00
Nugget - Olive
CHF 3.00
Oil Slick Buzzer
CHF 3.00
Para Midge - Black
CHF 3.00
Para Midge - Olive
CHF 3.00
Para Midge Emerger - Black
CHF 3.00
Para Midge Emerger - Olive
CHF 3.00
Rowley's Grey Boy
CHF 3.00
Rowley's Holo Worm
CHF 3.00
Tak's Holo Chironomid - Gold
CHF 2.00
Traffic Light Black Nugget
CHF 3.00
Tungsten Zebra Midge - Brown
CHF 3.00
Tungsten Zebra Midge - Olive
CHF 3.00
Tungsten Zebra Midge - Red
CHF 3.00
Yankee Buzzer - Black
CHF 3.00
Yankee Buzzer - Red
CHF 3.00