Trout flies for any fly fishing situation. Trout fly fishing flies including dry flies, nymphs, emergers and streamers. Mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies, midge and terrestrials. Trout flies including trout Spey flies, soft hackles, and articulated mega trout streamers. All with great selection and great prices and only the best quality flies.
Trout Flies
409 - Yellow
Adams Irresistible
Adult Crane - Brown
Adult Crane - Orange
Agent Onyx
Agent Orange
Amy's Ant - Olive
Anato-May Hare's Ear
Anato-May Olive
Arizona Hare - Dark
Arrick's Parachute Ant
Attract-Ant Black/Red
Baetis Challenged
Baetis Nymph
Baetis Parachute
Baetis Spinner - Rusty
Baetis Thorax
Baitfish Minnow - Silver
Balance Leech - Black UV
Balance Leech - Claret
Balance Leech - Olive
Balanced Leech - Bruised
Balanced Leech - Olive
Bead Head Black Beauty
Bead Head Bunny - Black
Bead Head Bunny - Purple
Bead Head Electric Leech