Scuds and sowbugs are staple food items on many rivers and lakes. Scuds can be so numerous, and they are such a protein-rich food item, trout can reach gigantic proportions on waters where they are the mainstay of the trout's diet. Shop our scuds and sowbug flies for your next fly fishing adventure.
Scuds and Sowbugs
Egan's Tungsten Surveyor
Epoxy Mysis Shrimp
Jig Tailwater Sowbug
Jon's Hot Spot Czech Scud - Pink
Rainbow Czech Nymph
Ray Charles - Gray
Ray Charles - Orange
Ray Charles - Pink
Ray Charles - Tan
RIO's Scud - Dark Olive
RIO's Scud - Light Olive
RIO's Scud - Orange
RIO's Scud - Pink
RIO's Scud - Tan
Scud - Olive
Scud - Tan